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Wisdom beyond age

by - 18:13

In our society, especially in Indonesia, it’s common to associate wisdom with age. We've been taught that the older someone is, the more experiences they’ve had, and therefore, the more wisdom they must possess. 

and I'm not agree with that.

One of the most enriching experiences in my life is forming friendships with people of different agesI make a friend a lot with people who were older than me, most of them in their 40's, 50's and 60's, And for me, being friends with elders can offer a wealth of knowledge and wisdom that I can’t found in any textbooks, because they’ve lived through times we can only read about, experienced life’s ups and downs, and have a unique perspective on life. But the more i know them, I realised that age is just a number and wisdom isn’t exclusive to my elder friends.

Sometimes, some of my elderly friends surprised me with their childlike behavior. Of course this is not a reflection of their wisdom or maturity, and I was thinking maybe it's a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity that remains ageless. It’s a reminder that no matter how old we get, there’s a part of us that remains untouched by the ravages of time, right?

But then as I observed it, the childlike behavior they had may be a manifestation of unresolved trauma. We know that life is not always kind, and its cruelties can leave deep scars that time alone cannot heal. And these individuals carry these unseen wounds with them, a silent testament to their resilience.

then I look at my younger friends, some of my my younger friends can also offer fresh perspectives and insights that are equally valuable. They can challenge my beliefs, introduce me to new ideas, and inspire me to see the world differently. and what surprised me more is some of my younger friend even more mature than me and my elder friends.

I come to the conclusion that age is just a number and wisdom is not a factor of age but a product of experience, insight and character development. Age doesn’t define who we are, our experiences, or our wisdom. Wisdom is not about how many years we’ve lived, but about how we’ve lived in those years. It’s about the lessons we’ve learned, the insights we’ve gained, and the perspectives we’ve developed.

So, let’s not judge someone’s wisdom based on their age. Instead, let’s appreciate the unique perspectives and wisdom that each individual, regardless of age, brings to our lives.



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